Minshuo Chen


Minshuo Chen 陈旻硕
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Princeton University
Email: minshuochen (AT) princeton (DOT) edu

I will be joining IEMS at Northwestern University as an assistant professor in Fall 2024.


  • Invited speaker at MMLS’24 May 20 - 21 (Free registration)

  • I will speak at ISYE Statistics Seminar, Georgia Tech
    Title: Diffusion Models for Distribution Estimation and Optimization

  • I will present Diffusion Models at INFORMS 2023 session
    MA35. The Interplay between Learning, Optimization, and Statistics
    Oct. 16th, 8:00 - 9:15 AM

  • Invited speaker at Cornell ORIE Young Researchers Workshop 2023

  • I will serve as an area chair at NeurIPS 2023

About Me

I am an Associate Research Scholar at Princeton ECE, working with Prof. Mengdi Wang. I obtained my Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, under the supervision of Prof. Tuo Zhao and Prof. Wenjing Liao. I also received a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from UCLA, and Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from Zhejiang University. Here is my CV.

My research focuses on developing principled methodologies and theoretical foundations of deep learning. I am particularly interested in

  • Generative modeling for next-generation optimization: diffusion models and beyond

  • Foundations of learning: approximation, optimization and efficiency

  • (Deep) reinforcement learning: diagnosis and control in complex systems


  • ARC-TRIAD Student Fellowship

  • William S. Green Fellowship

  • ICML, NeurIPS Travel Award